7 Reasons Why You Need a SEO Audit Today

7 Reasons Why You Need a SEO Audit Today

Digital Marketing Consultant Washington DC - Alex Lloro


Digital Marketing Consultant

Have you had an SEO audit recently? If not, you may be missing out on your opportunity to find out exactly what's working on your site and what needs improvement. Here are 7 powerful reasons to have your site audited right away. 

Did you know that auditing your website can improve your conversion rates? In this post, we'll discuss the reasons why you need a website audit today. Read on for insight!

Website audits can be exactly what your digital marketing strategy needs. Audits give you a chance to identify what is working with your website and what's holding you back from maximizing your ROI.

If you have a background in web design or online advertising, you may feel that a website audit is simply unnecessary. However, it may just be the wisest investment you make this year.

1. Know How Secure Your Site Is

Website security is everything in this highly digital age. 30,000 websites are, on average, hacked every day. Many website owners may be liable for data loss but may simply not be aware of cyber-threats.

Even if you've taken the right precautions against hacking, data loss, and other security breaches, your online content may still not be entirely secure.

A website audit can help you assess how secure your website currently is (or isn't.)

Identifying site security is essential to crafting a plan for safeguarding against any potential threats to your data. It can also help you find the right solutions for protecting your content and customer data.

2. Identify Areas for Technical Improvement

A website audit can also identify how usable your website is. In general, the more usable or user-friendly a site is, the more likely it is to retain any organic traffic that it receives.

If your website is your primary platform for generating conversions, it is all the more critical that you maintain a highly user-friendly site. In general, usable sites load quickly, are easy to read and to navigate, and keep the user's experience at the fore.

Audits can help identify areas for technical improvement in order to boost the overall usability of your site. The more usable your site is, the greater its odds are for ranking more highly for relevant Google searches, leaving a good impression on visitors, and building a positive reputation.

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This is especially important for website owners who have taken their web design and implementation into their own hands. Without the aid of digital marketing or web design professionals, it can be tough navigating the technicalities of a high-performance site.

A web audit can be exactly what you need to hone in on the technical improvements your website needs.

3. Avoid Google Penalties

Google is very specific about its guidelines for Google-friendly sites. If you are looking to achieve a higher Google ranking for your online content, it's important to play by Google's rules.

Failure to adhere to any of Google's guidelines can result in a penalty, which can harm rankings and decrease your online credibility. Avoiding Google penalties should be a top priority for all digital marketers and business owners.

Website audits can give you the insight you need as to whether or not your content is adhering to Google's rules. With an audit, you'll be able to identify penalty-prone areas and effectively toe the line to avoid a Google red flag.

4. Test Your SEO Performance

An SEO website audit looks specifically at the performance of any given Search Engine Optimization (SEO) campaign. SEO campaigns are designed to optimize your online content for specific searchable keywords.

While anyone can implement a successful SEO campaign, optimization can still be complex. A lot of factors influence Google's assignments of rankings, and it's easy to miss some of these.

An SEO website audit examines your SEO efforts and identifies anything your site may be doing that is harming your optimization campaign.

This can be incredibly valuable for first-time SEO marketers or anyone who wants insight into how their optimization campaign is paying off.

5. Find Out What's Converting And What Isn't

For many website owners, a website is an ultimate tool for generating conversions. It functions much like a business card, giving potential customers vital information about that business.

If built correctly, a website can turn a generally interested individual into a devoted customer.

An SEO web audit tells you exactly how your website is functioning as a tool for conversion. It can also identify what's limiting your conversion rates. Having this knowledge can help you hone your website so that it truly generates the conversions you need.

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6. Bypass Duplicate Content

It's all too common for a website to have duplicate or redundant content. This is particularly the case if you keep a blog on your site or regularly update your content with new material.

It can be hard keeping track of original content. Luckily, a website audit can help. Auditors can easily identify any instances of duplicate content so that all of your online material is authentic.

100% original, non-redundant content can also help you avoid Google penalties. It prevents any search engine confusion so that you easily achieve the rankings you deserve.

7. Identify Further Digital Marketing Solutions

All in all, a website audit can demonstrate just how vital your website is to your holistic digital marketing strategy. Its capacity to identify areas for improvement can help you identify what comes next in your marketing plans.

In most cases, a website audit is the first thing clients undergo before signing up for digital marketing services. It acts much like a consultation for a medical appointment or therapy service.

This important first step to taking charge of your online advertising efforts should not be overlooked.

Final Thoughts: Why You Need a Website Audit

Don't miss this opportunity to take a closer look at how your website is serving you. As a business owner or professional, your website can be your first step to making a lasting impression on your visitors.

A website audit can give you critical information about site performance and health. Auditors can provide insight into how your SEO campaign is doing and what digital marketing solutions can take care of existing gaps and errors.

Most importantly, an audit can prevent Google penalties, keeping your digital visibility intact.

With over twenty years of marketing experience, I'm here to help you maximize your digital marketing strategy. Learn more about what I can offer you today!

If you haven't already done so, get your free web audit now.

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